Quick Start
Posture Running™
Float like a cloud.
Run like the wind.©
A. Upper Body:
- Pull back of head up to lengthen spine
- Relax face and shoulders
- Pinch shoulder blades for proud posture
- Pull arms back with blades to help forward lean
- Bend elbows 90-degrees for a fast turnover
Mistake: Hunch over, not relax
B. Core:
- Rotate front pelvis up & nudge forward
- Let pelvis float back with rear leg
- Right & left of pelvis stays roughly level
- Relax lower back
- Lean from ankles
Mistake: Bend at waist, not relax back
C. Lower Body:
- Land softly with ankle behind bent knee
- Short stride
- Fast cadence
- Stride behind body
Mistake: Cadence below 165
Mistake: Hard landing on heel
Email Toby@PostureRunning.net
Process – In Order:
1. Posture 24/7 when sit, stand, walk, and run. Live with good posture. Run with good posture.
2. Do A, B, & C above in order and repeat. Do when walking. Walk before every run.
3. Make small form changes when jogging not running. Start changes only 10% of time while jogging.
4. Imperfect practice to find your perfect: e.g. lean forward then backward, elbow 90 degrees then 120 degrees, etc.
5. Niggles (pre-injuries) are good. Stop running immediately, rub, test form walking, then jog. Repeat as needed.
6. Do strength exercises for runners every week (specifics in website).
Clues your form is improving:
1. Barely bounce head up and down.
2. Float over ground. Don’t pound into it.
3. Feel butt tighten and loosen.
4. Feel you can go 10% farther with 10% less energy.
5. Body does not feel beaten up after a run and feel recovered for the next run.
6. You feel and fix niggles before they become injuries.
Legalese…Sorry: Contains opinions. Use at your own risk. Changing your form does have risks. Consult your doctor first. We take no responsibility or any liability, loss or risk incurred, directly or indirectly of the use of any of the contents in this website.
Posture Running™ Copyright 2022 by Toby Anderson. All rights reserved. PostureRunning.Net